
Library 2.0

I have done a lot of reading while preparing for my presentation on Blogs and Wikis at the LRSN forum next month. Nearly everything leads me to find out more about the catchphrase “Library 2.0”.

It was only recently that I first heard about this phenomenon so I brought it up at our monthly Librarians’ Forum at Perth this morning – only to find out that, although we had been discussing several ideas that are important to Library 2.0, my colleagues were not aware of the term.

I’ve cobbled together some links to further reading that I have found worthwhile. If we want to be seen as being on top of new ideas then constant awareness of what’s being posted on the web is important and we should all monitor our RSS feeds regularly.

Library 2.0 Links


Academic Library 2.0 Concept Models (Basic v2 and Detailed)

posted by Michael C. Habib @ 4:27 PM


Library 2.0 Wiki (not much in it)

Library 2.0 Sarah Houghton’s (LiB) definition of L2

“Library 2.0 simply means making your library’s space (virtual and physical) more interactive, collaborative, and driven by community needs. Examples of where to start include blogs, gaming nights for teens, and collaborative photo sites. The basic drive is to get people back into the library by making the library relevant to what they want and need in their daily lives…to make the library a destination and not an afterthought.”

Key principles

  • Browser + Web 2.0 Applications + Connectivity = Full-featured OPAC
  • Harness the library user in both design and implementation of services
  • Library users should be able to craft and modify library provided services
  • Companies wanting to do business with public or academic libraries should not be creating proprietary software; Library 2.0 is not a closed concept.
  • Constant change is replacing the older model of upgrade cycles
  • Beta is forever
  • Harvest and integrate ideas and products from peripheral fields into library service models
  • Continue to examine and improve services and be willing to replace them at any time with newer and better services.
  • Library 2.0 is a disruptive idea
  • Rigidity breeds failure
  • Harness The Long Tail


All items tagged Library 2.0 in del.icio.us

Better Library Services for More People


One thing, however, is crystal clear—our discussion of Library 2.0 and the debate that's followed has but one goal and that is: better library services for more people.

What we do want is to discuss and search for ways to reach that goal; to improve library services and reach more users—without leaving any existing users behind. This is not an easy goal, but one that should be discussed. It would be great if we can do this in a constructive and productive manner.

Eli at AADL sums it up very well in a blog post:

Because Web 2.0 is the product of increasingly smarter software development tools and progressively more robust open-source code libraries, inventing and implementing a new Library 2.0-style service requires more creativity than it does cash. Furthermore, the ideas of Web 2.0 are based around sharing code, access, and services; the stuff that the bigger libraries do over the next few years are likely to become available to smaller libraries much faster than the Internet achieved its current ubiquity.

11 Reasons Why Library 2.0 Exists and Matters


Online Community and Libraries, Parts I & II


Online Community and Libraries, Parts III & IV


Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries


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