ResourceShelf has so many amazing titbits that you really should read yourself to get a feel for what is out there. Some from the current newsletter:
A Wiki Situation By Scott McLemee
"To wiki or not to wiki? That is the question." " There is no benchmark for quality. It is an intellectual equivalent of the Wild West, without the cows or the gold."
Tomorrow never knows: the end of cataloguing?
This paper (to be presented at the 72nd IFLA General Conference And Council) reviews the perceived threats to the future of cataloguing posed by the increasing volume of publications in all media, coupled with a resource base which is declining in real terms. It argues that cataloguing is more rather than less important in such an environment and considers some of the ways in which cataloguing will have to change in order to survive.
A rose by any other name?: from AACR2 to Resource Description and Access
The readers editor on ... the downside of Google
“Search engines such as Google find acres of instant information and more ‘experts’ than you can shake a stick at, but every computer screen should carry the warning: ‘Beware:
all is not as it seems.’
Research Buzz also came out today. What a wonderful way to spend a Friday - finding the best of new resources.
Imagery: an alternative interface to Google's Image Search
If you want to search Google's images with a different interface, check out Imagery at
Warning: It will work only in Firefox 1.5 or higher.
I did a simple keyword search for 'wave' and came up with some amazing images. Mousing over each one gives you the option to open it in the source page or in a new window. Clicking on 'Preferences' will give you the option of searching by size, colour or file type and turns SafeSearch on or off.
Publisher Offers Free Computer Books
A new line of computer books called In Pictures is giving away books for free .... Normally these books are downloadable PDFs that cost $3.95 each, but until the end of July lower-resolution versions are available at no cost.
In Pictures computer how-to books are based on pictures, not text. Step-by-step instructions will give you a foundation - somewhere to start from. The books tend to be beginner-level -- topics include Computer basics, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, and a few programming, web layout, and web graphics books.