Whew, that's over. I was flattered when asked to be the keynote speaker at this forum but didn't realise that it would involve so much work. Deciding which of all the myriad of Web 2.0 sites to introduce to a body of mostly volunteer language tutors was a trying task. I managed to get my butterflies flying in formation and received good feedback from the delegates with whom I was able to chat during our delicious morning tea. I celebrated afterwards by buying myself a new pair of shoes!
Web 2.0: opportunities for everyone
URLs for websites mentioned in keynote speech (Web 2.0: opportunities for everyone) at Read Write Now forum, Saturday, April 28.
Bloglines www.bloglines.com
Google Reader google.com/reader
FeedReader www.feedreader.com
FeedBurner www.feedburner.com
Digg www.digg.com
PBwiki www.pbwiki.com
SeedWiki www.seedwiki.com
MediaWiki mediawiki.org
Blogger blogger.com
Technorati www.technorati.com
Photo Sharing
Flickr www.flickr.com
Retrievr labs.systemone.at/retrievr
Picasa www.picasa.com
del.icio.us del.icio.us
YouTube youtube.com
Podzinger www.podzinger.com
Pandora www.pandora.com
Online Office Tools
Google Docs and Spreadsheets docs.google.com/
Zoho Office Reader www.zoho.com
LibraryThing www.librarything.com
Twitter www.twitter.com
Web 2.0 Starter Kit opensourceculture.blogspot.com
Remember the Milk www.rememberthemilk.com
Posted by Maeve at 11:08 AM 2 comments
Virtual World Librarianship
Now this would be a fascinating way to teach IL - and might even make students aware that not all library staff are ancient fuddy-duddys.
Virtual World Librarianship – Your SecondLife
I've downloaded Second Life but have not yet had a chance to explore it. A lot of people (including librarians) are talking about it and it seems like a fun idea - and SOOO.. Library 2.0.
Posted by Maeve at 9:21 AM 0 comments
When will we be 2.0?
Why isn't our library 2.0 yet? We talk endlessly about the things we want in both the current scene and in the new building planned for the Central TAFE Library, meanwhile other people are out there doing things. See this article from
Library 2.0: It's All Happening at the Gottesman
Published: 4/12/2007
From book talks to collaborative project management to software development, it's all happening at TC's Gottesman Libraries
Posted by Maeve at 4:15 PM 0 comments
New York to Paris
Marsha Bennett sent me this:
1. Go to Google http://google.com/
2. Click on Maps (click on more >>) to get to Maps
3. Click on Get Directions.
4. From: New York, New York.
5. To: Paris, France.
6. Then, read line #24.
7. Laugh
8. Repost.
Posted by Maeve at 9:10 AM 1 comments
Great article about academic libraries
Libraries at the Cutting Edge. Not only is this a stimulating article but the comments are well-considered and, on the whole, favourable to libraries and librarians. Isn't it odd though that some people still have the idea that Librarians are the people who spend most of their time saying "Shhh!" or putting books back on the shelves.
Posted by Maeve at 3:40 PM 0 comments
A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto
Kathryn Greenhill in her blog Librarians Matter referred to a video on YouTube - "A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto" that she showed at a presentation about YouTube and Libraries. For me this epitomises everything that I am trying to do as a librarian. Sometimes we have great ideas and they may be greeted with skepticism and the powers-that-be pour cold water on them or enthusiasm but the technological framework within which we have to work won't support anything non-standard. Sometimes, however, we have an amazingly supportive group of colleagues and supervisors who try to smooth the way as we try to implement new ideas. I'm blessed/cursed with both of these scenarios and wish I had the persuasive powers and technological skills that are needed to bring these ideas to fruition.
Posted by Maeve at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Revish is here
Revish has just been launched. It is an alternative to LibraryThing. I've just registered and will need a bit of time to compare them. In its FAQs Revish claims that it is more about in depth book reviews that cataloguing and, unlike LT it does not have provision for tagging. It provides very readable guidelines for reviewers and, if people abide by these, the results should be worthwhile.
In Revish you can find books (from the Amazon catalogue), add them to your favourites, currently reading or other lists, review and rate them. You can also find out what like-minded readers are reading or have in their favourite lists. Categories appear to be in LCCRA format or may be taken directly from Amazon.
Posted by Maeve at 8:04 AM 0 comments